Wednesday, April 29, 2009

5 %

I finally got to my 5% YAY! I lost 1.2lbs which brings the tally to 9.4lbs.Took forever and I was close many times in my 12 week travels. Doesn't help when they write one thing in your book and another in their record. I should have gotten it last week since its a 8lbs loss to get me there and last week I was at 8.2lbs down but its all good at least I got it

My goal/challenge (and I do mean challenge because I always try to jump ahead) starting this week is to take small steps. No not on the treadmill silly, I'll never get anywhere then let alone a sweat going. Small steps as in focus on getting to my 5%, accomplished. Now my 10%, see where I am going with this? Yes that's right small step or tiny whatever floats your boat.

I tend to think to far ahead, like getting to my goal weight. Well if that seems to far away, especially when you are not sure what your goal weight is yet then you get discouraged. Which I have many times. Whats working for me lately you ask? Here are somethings I have started doing different in the last 3 weeks (my leader says when you do something new give it 6 weeks for your body to adjust, just a little FYI).

1. I increased my cardio at the gym to the point where I am sweating and I am smell myself (yes I know ewww). I don't know what most people burn I am sure its more then me but I aim for 350-400 cals.

2. I go to the gym at least 3 days but I can usually manage 4 days. When its a real good week I can squeeze in 5 days.

3. If you have been following, which would be just Barb I am sure. About 3 weeks ago I started weighing myself every morning. I know ALOT of people think this is bad and I am sure it is not a good thing for some people but it is working for me. Since starting this I have been losing and not because I stopped eating but because I know what I weigh that day and that I should NOT add 5 cookies to my menu.

4. I also am journaling/tracking full speed. I pre-write the dates (I have a 3 month journal), I don't know how this helps but it does. Its like since its written there I MUST write what I ate. I even have been tracking on the weekend which is a hard thing for me.

5. Most of my meals lately have been WW recipes. I think that has been a big help (yes I say that about all of my numbers) :)

I don't normally post what I eat only because I don't want someone breathing down my neck about how I am not getting this or that or you are getting to much of this or that. I am sure you get the picture. But here is a sample of what I eat. Minus the days I eat cookies of course :)

Breakfast - Cin. English Muffin 3pts (I lightly spray with I cant believe its not butter spray, and only on the days I go to the gym)

Snack - Fruit cup 1pt

Snack - Kellogg's Fiber something crackers 18 & Laughing Cow Light cheese wedge 3pts

Lunch - 2 pc turkey lunch meat and red. fat string cheese 1 2pt and carrots

Snack - Banana small 1pt (I know most fruit are 2pts but I tend to count them as 1 since I absolutely didn't get fat off of fruit)

Snack - Light Vin. Soy milk, little dash of chocolate protein and some frozen fruit 2pts (I share this with my daughter, actually she tries to steal it. It might be only 1pt but just incause I call it 2)

Dinner - Orange Ginger Chicken (WW Recipe) 5pts. I didn't eat but a few bites of the orange rice that goes with it, which would make it 7pts but I counted mine 5pts.

Wine - 2pts, I drink 1-3 a week depending on whats going on. This would be my first for the week.

Marshmallows - I snuck some while making my daughter coco 1 pts.

Snack - SF pudding 1pt

TOTAL: 21pts

When I don't go to the gym I have a banana for breakfast. I also take a multi-vitamin for all of you who are freaking out that I am not getting enough nutrients. Oh and vitamin c as well.

Here is my weigh ins for the week. This will be my last time posting them. Since it was kind of a test and I am sure people don't want to read how much I weigh everyday. I will how ever be posting my weekly weigh ins. So at least you have that to look forward to. Here ya go!

Wed 4/22 150.0
Thur 4/23 150.8
Fri 4/24 151.0
Sat 4/25 150.4
Sun 4/26 150.2
Mon 4/27 150.4
Tue 4/28 150.0 (AM and PM)
Wed 4/29 149.4

All in all it has been an awesome week for me. Saturday Randy, his BF and his wife went on a motorcycle ride to Anacortes. That was fun. Um, I think that's all the excitement that happened. Might be why it was such a good week, lol.

Later gator!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

OH my calfs

I am still on my kick of weighing myself every morning. But I also up'd my workout at the gym to the point of sweating. I normally don't sweat like other people I see especially on the elliptical so I have been working 30 mins on the treadmill. I warm up for 2 mins then run for 2 mins then incline to 8, 10, 12, 15 each for a min (walking at speed of 3.8) back down and then repeat. Boy do I sweat! I then hit the elliptical for a 10 min cool down though I am still working a good pace. So I did that 3 days this week (remember my weeks are Wed to Tue). We then went on a hike on Saturday. We planned on going up Bandera Mt, a new one for us but there was snow blocking the road, 3 miles from the trail head. We decided to turn around and do Mt Si. We hike Mt. Si about 2-3 times a year and I hate going to the same place over and over but it was close. It is a 8 miles round trip hike and is used often for people training to climb BIG mountains. If fact there was a guy there that went up twice that day, once w/ a 65lb pack then a 40lb, he was training for Denali. What a brave man, then we saw a guy practically run up carrying his bike, yeah I know crazy! There was snow close to the top so that made it more of a workout.

Now, to the calf's. My leg muscles swell after hiking. No matter how much I work out at the gym, no matter how often I hike. They just seem to swell and stay that way for 2-3 days. It has taken me about 2 years to realize this and accept it. My calf's right now are has hard as a rock. Really.

I was very worried about weighing in this evening at my WW meeting but I pulled myself together and I am very glad I went. I went down 1.6lbs, I just hope I can keep it up.

Along with my new routine at the gym I am eating better. I am making A LOT of WW meals out of some of the cook books I have. They are very very yummy. My family has not complained to much, just when I over spice things.

OK, so regarding my last post about our venue. Randy called them last Friday and we arranged to meet them again Monday 4/21/09. We talked money then signed the contract. YEAH I finally can check that off my wedding list of things to do. It feels good to have that part done.

OK, OK I know everyone (the whole 2-3 people that read these) are dying to know what my daily weigh In's were. So here we go....

Wed 4/15 151.8
Thur 4/16 149.6
Fri 4/17 150.6
Sat 4/18 150.6
Sun 4/19 150.8 (see the swelling starting?)
Mon 4/20 152.4 (Bing bing bing there you have it)
Tue 4/21 AM 151.4
Tue 4/22 PM 151.2

I am on my 11th week at WW and I am finally down 8.2lbs. I am going to really focus on staying on track like I have been the last 2 weeks. I am also thinking about cutting out fake sugar, just thinking. I don't know how well I can do this because I use it in my coffee and tea. I will also be changing the way I view my journey. I want to focus more on getting fit, eating well and being happy with who I am not who I want to be or "Look Like".

To top off my post of the week I wanted to throw out a couple of comments I got this week. One was from a lady I have known for 10 years and she has seen me big and smaller (though not this small). She said I was looking good but I should not get any thinner. My face was starting to look shrunken. I thought this was strange only because I am still considered over weight. My other comment was from the lady who weighed me at my meeting tonight (bless her heart) said "Good job you are down, though I don't know where you put your weight! You don't look like you weigh that". I then informed her that it is all in my bottom half! :)

Good night all.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


I am starting to get frustrated with my Fiance. I did all the research on venues, put in the time and energy. We decided a few weeks ago on the Georgetown Ballroom and at that point the ball was in his court to talk to them. We are getting a little discount do to some resources but we don't know HOW much it will be until he calls them back to say "Yeah we are going with you guys". I keep stressing how important this step is, its the biggest as far as I am concerned. We need to get together with them to go over the amount and how much of a deposit we need. Every week I remind him and say just as long as you make contact this week. It doesn't help that he feels forking over hella dough just for one day is ridiculous. Which by the way our budget is $6,000 but because I am doing most of the work I know we can pull this off.

Anyways, I am hoping that announcing on my blog what a lame butt he is being maybe he will call them TODAY :)

(Oh by the way honey, our guest list has gone up) hehe

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

And the results are

Weird. If you read my last posting you know that I was experimenting this week and weighing myself every morning to find out what it is exactly my body is doing. I am on week 10 now (Weight Watchers, again) and I expected to be down a little more by now. I did very good until Easter. I had not had ANY Easter candy until then but it wasn't the Easter candy I had a problem with it was the actual food. I started eating and then that little voice popped in my head and said "Its OK have that extra roll and potatoes when is the next time you will get to eat like this". So I did I had that roll and potatoes and then some. I went to the gym once and that was Wednesday (my weeks are Wednesday to Tuesday). I was pretty lazy. So here are my results of weighing every morning, even though I weigh in at WW at night.

Tue 7th (PM) 153
Wed 8th (AM) 151.4
Thur 9th (AM) 150.2
Fri 10th (AM) 151.2
Sat 11th (AM) 150.2
Sun 12th (AM) 150.2
Mon 13th (AM) 153.2 (Easter dinner showing its face)
Mon 13th (PM) 156 (Thought I would really torture myself and weigh at night)
Tue 14th (AM) 154
Tue 14th (PM) 152.8 (WTF?? This is what it said at my WW weigh in, compare to the AM)
Wed 15th (AM) 151.8 (and for fun I checked this morning)

So from 159.4 to 152.8 (WW weigh in) in 10 weeks I have lost 6.6lbs. And that was what I put on in a month after I quit smoking in January, so I don't really count that.

I know I know, these days you are not suppose to focus on what you weigh but how you are eating and being active. But really, come on how many out there DO care and focus on that. I know I do and I am quite active compared to the average person. I also eat pretty well minus the sneaky bites.

I am at a loss on what to do now. I have tried eating ALL of my points including activity and extra. I have tried not eating all of them as well as adding more exercise and I just cant seem to figure out what my deal is. Maybe it is time to focus on toning where I am now and just call it good. But I don't want to. I am considered over weight still for my height of 5'3. That's not good enough for me.

All I can do is keep on trekking......

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Whats up with me lately

I am a bit blue this week. The scale gods were crazy by the time I weighed in at my meeting I was up a pound. A WHOLE pound. I don't know how to put on of those weigh side chart things I have seen on other blogs on my page so here is the run down.

2001 through 2003 - 223lbs to 216lbs
2004 through 2005 - 175lbs to 165 lbs
2006 through 2008 - 165lbs to 149lbs
Part of 2008 a ranged from 149lbs to 170lbs (this is all off the top of my head, I am to lazy to go locate all my info)

Back to Weight Watchers (I quit in 2007)

2/10/09 159.4
2/17/09 156.2
2/24/09 152.4
3/3/09 152.2
3/10/09 151.8
3/17/09 153.8
3/24/09 151.6
3/31/09 152.0
4/7/09 153.0

I always get stuck when I get close to 149lbs. I dip there then my body says "SIKE" and a put on a pound or 2. I have been very good with my points, tracking and exercise. I went to the gym 3 days last week plus a 20 mile bike ride this last Saturday. We are having a 8 week challenge at my WW meeting which is now 7 weeks away. I have chosen my 10% as my goal which is 15 lbs from my start weight. You would think it wouldn't be to hard considering I only have 8.6 to go, of course it would be closer if I didn't magically put on 1lb this last week. I think I am bloated so I guess its not to bad we shall just have to see. I also think I have been eating to many South Beach Smores Bars (OMG those are good). Maybe I should not eat 1 or 2 a day even if I have the points for them. So here is what I am doing this week. My little commitment to myself.

1. Be active at least 3 days (went to the gym this morning 2 more to go)

2. Drink less soda (diet)

3. No more South Beach Bars (Just to see what happens)

4. I want to weigh myself every morning (I know this could be bad but I want to be able to see exactly what is going on even if its just for a week)

5. Drink more water

Good news is I have not had ANY Easter candy, yet.
So check back next week and see what happened in Sam's Mountain.
I should have rock climbing picture up by then :)